Training and  equipping  ministers mainly in rural areas

In most developing countries, the Church is rapidly growing. Church Leaders often don’t have the opportunity to learn how to read, study, and teach the Bible that is true to God’s intention. In many cases, the availability of formal training is not available, and if it does exist, it is below standard. There are many instances in which we have observed leaders who do not own their own copy of God’s Word. They are simply Christians who find themselves thrust into positions of leadership.

It is this ministry’s aim to equip these kinds of leaders with the kind of training that they need in order for them to correctly divide God’s Word and in turn train and equip their flock. By this process, we will work in the edification of the global church in rural parts of their respective countries. 

We have prepared training material that is tailored specifically to equip leaders with the skills and tools to teach and preach God’s Word. We also try to provide leaders with a study Bible that they can use as they prepare to teach their flock.

Understanding the Bible is the key to effective evangelism, discipleship, and church growth. This growing need for biblical training gave rise to Word of Bible Ministries. 

Biblical literacy remains critical if rural pastors are to be good preachers of the Word. In the African church, scripture remains the primary source in seeking to know and understand God. In most of the training modules developed for rural pastors, the memorization of scriptural passages is a top priority. We believe that this will help us attain our ministry goals.


Making true disciples

Disciple making is about enabling Christians to actually obey God in word and deed, just as Jesus obeyed God even unto the Cross. Discipleship is more than just head knowledge; it is the conversion of God’s Word into action. Jesus did give his disciples knowledge, but He also told them that “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”

Making disciples means teaching followers of Christ to obey God’s teaching, and also to “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you….”

Discipleship goes beyond the classroom and into every activity of mundane life. It permeates into every part of a Christians life until we have the image of Christ firmly planted in us. This is achieved by letting others observe your life as you try to imitate Christ to other Christians.


Sending ministers to different remote areas to help Churches and their members  grow in their spiritual life

In Matthew 26:19-20, Jesus commands us to go into all the world and baptize all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and to make disciples, teaching them to obey everything that He taught. This is the Great Commission. The first Apostles would go around teaching at the churches and instructing about confusing topics. The Apostles would make sure that there was one Apostolic faith in all churches in the known world at the time. 

Christian brethren who live in remote areas do not have the advantage of fancy study Bibles, or the internet, or radio programs, to help them in their walk. Most often, the only form of nourishment or encouragement that they will receive is from ministers who are willing to go and serve in these sometimes remote and rural areas.

We at Word of God Miniseries believe that we should follow Jesus’ example and go into all the World, teaching all to obey God, fear him, and to Love Him.


Conducting  Seminars on different important topics

Sound Chrisitan Doctrine is essential for healthy growth in the life of a Christian as well as the Church. However, digging up and finding every doctrine of the Bible may take many years of study and dedication and training, of which most rural leaders do not have enough of.

It is the main objective of Word of Bible Ministries to ensure that church leaders and ministers have a good understanding of basic Bible Doctrines such as The Bible, God, Christ, The Holy Spirit, People, Salvation, The Church, Eschatology (End Times).

Effective ministers need to know why they believe what they believe. Otherwise, it will be akin to walking in the dark, after God has revealed His Great Light Jesus into the world.

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